Synopsis of the play

It was a gloomy night of the ‘Universal Ghost Day’. Being haunted by a severe identity crisis, the Ghosts are discussing about how to regain belief from humans. Ekla, an urchin suggests the remedy of being good and helping Mankind in any condition. It causes an upheaval. Consequently, giving him a six-month-time to formulate his remedy, Matabbar, the Chief Ghost banishes Ekla from Ghostdom.


Being on this side of heaven, Ekla meets Tukai, a young boy 0f 12, who, failed in exam, has just been thrown out of house. They become friends. Ekla gives Tukai a boon of success by believing & aspiring anything from the depth of heart. Tukai starts believing, and straightaway gets its fruit. His will power makes two sinners to be on knees and contemplate for their crimes.


Ekla insists Tukai to resume his schooling. Believing on own self, Tukai gets a job in Dinuda’s press and starts studying at the village school. Elsewhere, being pleased of his endeavor, Matabbar declares Ekla as the ablest heir of his seat. That causes revolt amongst the ill ambitious ghost folk. As a result of it, two mischievous creatures, Chang and Botol start taking toll from Mankind. To shrink the good will of Ekla, hurling their evil power, they want to spread sins between humans.


But, all in vain as the true spirit of Ekla and Tukai remain triumphant till the evil spirits drop dead.


Finally, both the mortal and supernatural creature finds refuge at their own realm. Being elated on the victory of Good over Bad, Matabbar and his wife adopt Ekla as their son. Tukai is accepted by his parents in happy tears. The drama ends happily with a belief that if we aspire anything from the depth of our heart, it will surely be a Success.

Ekla and Tukai remain friends for ever. Thus, as belief and as mind.

Director's Note

To be or not to be, that is the question. What the great Shakespeare felt for his Hamlet, we just have felt for the ghosts around us. THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO LEARN IS THAT IF WE ASPIRE ANYTHING FROM THE DEPTH OF OUR HEART IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE TO THE GREAT EXTENT.


The play, allows us to evolve with a new kind of theatre on the square of proscenium. Actually, we like to show what we like. And so, ghosts are the first priority. We want to put them in a very common gesture, very adjacent to the human beings so that they can be cleanly divided into Good and Bad. That difference would make us aware of evil forces within us, from which we have to protect ourselves. It is fact that only the Man has the immense power to be God or Demon. He leads himself towards his destiny. And the will power is the only key to success.


Fantasy is our prime passion to work with. In this play, the two worlds of mortal and super natural are overlapped to create a long cherished realm where we like to live in.


We run an in-house-training process on Acting. It remains most enthusiastic and worth experiencing to us. Moreover, we have organized several workshops on clowning and improvisation on popular music.


Here, for the particular play, Bhootum Bhagaban, there was an idea that could be transformed into a full length drama. The idea turned into a story. And thus the process took off.


Plots and dialogues have been woven in the improvisation workshops and scripted later on. The entire play has been drawn in workshops and edited in rehearsals. Characters are sketched with amusing gaits of clowning. Though we have a pack of good actors, yet often the process has made them and vice versa.


Our play, as usual, obviously comprises a great amount of music. In this play, music has been improvised, based on the popular and folk, and emerged from the content in such a manner that they have become characters, or often, dialogues.


Throughout the 14 scenes of the play ‘Men’ and ‘Ghosts’ have worked tirelessly to fetch jollity, suspense, humor, cruelty, dream, thrills, actions, sorrow, laughter and good wishes on stage.

And certainly to this side of Heaven, too.

Drama, Set, Music, Design & Direction
Raja Bhattacharya